Saturday, June 7, 2014


The morning started early with a bus over the border to Sweden to meet Magnus and Lara for some training. Eva again came to our rescue when no cards would work and we hadn't had time to get out any cash for the bus.
Crossing into Sweden felt rather momentous as my new home for the next year and a bit.
We were met by Magnus who is a Swedish orienteer living in Wellington with his kiwi wife Lisa and incredibly cute wee boy Mattias. Lara has been doing a school exchange further north in Sweden since February and came down for some kiwi time.
Following some running around in the forest we went to what can only be described as heaven. A lolly shop that had row upon row of pick n mix!!!!
I managed to show a tiny bit of self restraint in the choosing process, not so much in the eating with my whole bag being finished within 48 hours. There is a compulsory stop there on the way back to Norway so that's keeping me going through the week.

We're staying at Magnus' parents summer house just near Dingle (good name right?!) on the coast. It's been complete bliss to be able to stop and absorb Europe and Scandinavia for the week. The days so far have consisted of training, eating, reading and finally catching up on sleep, my kind of week really!


  1. Lollies, I can just imagine you! It sounds like your ideal journey. I'm loving the updates BUT missing you terribly.

  2. Haha tried not to go too crazy, missing you too xx
